So when did the idea that "logic" was more important than nuanced understanding and knowledge happen?
I know it's been around for awhile, just wondering if there was a moment that it took over.
You can unironically yell "fallacy" or "whataboutism" at someone these days, no matter the circumstance, and look like you've won an argument to the public eye. What the fuck happened lmao
I think it's really about appropriating the vocabulary of rational logic and debate and drowning you in it on every subject as permanent opposition. It's a weird thing about seeking revenge for daring to point out they were wrong/illogical about something.
They do across other subjects, too. Point out one of them is a pedophile? Now they parrot a conspiracy that everybody they disagree with is secretly a pedophile. Point out an actual fascist? Now they call literally anything they don't like fascism.
We all remember that kid in elementary school, who if anyone told him any criticism at all, he'd just start accusing that criticism back at you aimlessly. It's like how a dog understands your tone of voice, but not the words.
ancient greece it really hampered western medicine for hundred of years as some dude logiced out what the human body should look like and he turned out to be wrong don't know why we started listening to these dweebs again though we had a good thing going with the scientific method
So when did the idea that "logic" was more important than nuanced understanding and knowledge happen?
I know it's been around for awhile, just wondering if there was a moment that it took over.
You can unironically yell "fallacy" or "whataboutism" at someone these days, no matter the circumstance, and look like you've won an argument to the public eye. What the fuck happened lmao
well to answer this question you'd need to first assume that the A) the premise is true, and B) that there was a specific point in time when it happened, but as we all know, logic was always more important, since God created the world, and our judeo-christian values using facts and logic :kubrick-stare:
I've been owned thus now I shall lay down and whither
I think it's really about appropriating the vocabulary of rational logic and debate and drowning you in it on every subject as permanent opposition. It's a weird thing about seeking revenge for daring to point out they were wrong/illogical about something.
They do across other subjects, too. Point out one of them is a pedophile? Now they parrot a conspiracy that everybody they disagree with is secretly a pedophile. Point out an actual fascist? Now they call literally anything they don't like fascism.
We all remember that kid in elementary school, who if anyone told him any criticism at all, he'd just start accusing that criticism back at you aimlessly. It's like how a dog understands your tone of voice, but not the words.
ancient greece it really hampered western medicine for hundred of years as some dude logiced out what the human body should look like and he turned out to be wrong don't know why we started listening to these dweebs again though we had a good thing going with the scientific method