• AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    you’d think even an asshole like him could see how it undermines valid criticism

    undermining valid criticisms of transphobia with nuclear takes along the lines of "j.k. rowling shut up and make me a sammich" is perfectly in line with V*ush's usual behavior. when this guy sees an opportunity to wreck, he wrecks. when he can cause damage to the left, he does so. when he has an opportunity to make leftists look bad, he makes leftists look bad. every. single. time.

    remember, this is a guy who drops so many bad takes that his stans have given names to his worst offenses so they can mention them without having to spell out "the time he dropped the n-bomb" or "the time he defended child porn". they may already have a euphemism for this one, too.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Being misogynistic only makes the left look bad to leftists. The rest of the world only cares opportunistically.