Well, not the same level (conservatives are clearly worse) but the line is increasingly becoming blurred in this day and age. Maybe I am looking at this wrong, but they are far more likely to shit on communism (while calling themselves lefist) and making excuses for the United States

I know "leftist infighting" has been a thing since forever, but it really seems like they're closer to reformed capitalism than anything resembling socialism...

  • DeathToBritain [she/her,they/them]
    2 years ago

    social democrats are reactionaries who will kill you just as fast as the most rabid nazi when it actually comes to real change beyond platitudes and slogans. they literally have done as much before, most famously with the murder of Rosa Luxemburg when the SDP called in the Freikorps, anti communists who would be core founders of the actual nazis, to crush the communist movement in Berlin.

    'leftist infighting' is more about anarchists and communists, or marxist leninists and maoists ect squabbling over the details of how to implement actual socialism and not capitalist reform. we do not fundamentally have the same founding ideas or end goals as social democrats, who have time and time again fought against organising workers, struggles against imperialism in the third world, and at home against radical racial justice

    • Hohsia [he/him]
      2 years ago

      leftist infighting’ is more about anarchists and communists, or marxist leninists and maoists ect squabbling over the details of how to implement actual socialism and not capitalist reform

      That's kinda what I was thinking, but I guess I just try to give them the benefit of the doubt (which I can't do).

      I'm not well-versed in leftist theory or anything else other than the surface level ideas expressed in some very introductory texts

      • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
        2 years ago

        I’m not well-versed in leftist theory or anything else other than the surface level ideas expressed in some very introductory texts

        Well, there you go - would you be open to reading some? I'm not he most versed myself, but if its a question of time commitment, or wanting the ideas presented in modern verbiage rather than 1800s prose, there are plenty of people here that can point you to things that would be beneficial reading!