Every. Fucking. Time.
Society rarely tells little boys that they’re being “bossy”.
Kaepernick should be grateful that this country gave him the opportunity to be a millionaire! /s
Yeah it sucks how misogynist culture still is.
Happy account birthday though by the way!
it's not exclusive to portugal, german chuds are incredibly easy to offend by this as well. the effect is particularly pronounced with women from marginalized groups, and the smarter they are and the more "out of reach" they appear, the worse these people are psychically injured by it. alos applies to the us, i think, it would explain why centrists and right wingers there get so riled up about AOC and Brie.
Unapproved opinion means person has ego to say it against majority, so it can be that
A nazi's favorite phrase is "No u!" Their politics are built on arrogance. They believe what they do because they think they're perfect, and anyone who isn't perfect must die for their pleasure.
They actually hate for our humility, if we're right, that spells some BAD consequences about them. That maybe they're not so perfect after all. Not that they are about being evil, as they see that as charming.
They are narcissist filth, and they are the true inferiors, they need to be put in their place and be reminded of the trash those cousinfuckers are.
Normally this is a comment about hypocrisy: when a person espousing collectivist systems tries to most emphasize their individuality through eclectic fashion choices, aestheticized radical politics etc. The latter is probably the critique here (though to be clear the content of the critique is independent from whether it's misogyny)