• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    Depends on a lot of things. In Chechnya the Russians dealt with snipers in high-rise apartments by using armored vehicles with 23mm anti-aircraft guns to stitch the entire building. Meaning they went up and down the apartments with exploding cannon rounds systematically blowing the shit out of each apartment until they were confident the sniper, and anyone else in the building, was dead.

    The other conventional method of dealing with snipers is to figure out roughly where they are and drop artillery on the area until the sniper is paste.

    The US has a system called Boomerang (If your city has Shot-Spotter tech you're familiar with it) that uses an array of microphones and computers to figure out where a shot came from and roughly how far away it was. This can be used to dial in artillery or air strikes against the presumed location of the sniper.

    You can also deploy your own snipers to hunt the sniper. This is less Enemy at the Gates and more a couple of guys with maps and binoculars plotting out where people had been taking fire from, then triangulating possible vantage points, then directing artillery fire on those points.

    • Animasta [any]
      2 years ago

      I've read about the 80s Shtora system that's supposed to protect soviet tanks from being targeted by lasers and thought that maybe, considering that every Russian or US solder is equipped with a bunch of high-tech gizmos and linked in a net, they could use that to triangulate the position of the sniper.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        That's exactly what Boomerang and the systems that developed from it do.


        Apparently they may not actually work, though.