What is globohomo? It's the right wing buzz word tossed around to explain the feeling of liberalism, but it's much more than that. It describes the socialist dress that liberalism wears to make itself more palatable towards young non-white queer people. It's the force that turns your M&M's packaging gay for half the year and makes Nestle's Twitter picture black in solidarity with the most recent police brutality victim. Globohomo is that soulless corporate art style you see in Grubhub commercials, Vice journalism, and Silicon Valley boardrooms. It's so bright and utopic it's downright dystopic, it's quite clear a lot of people do not like globohomo, it's why they voted for Donald Trump, it's why they refuse to wear masks, it's why they listen to Joe Rogan. Now you might expect me to go on a tangent about how globohomo is bad and alienating the poor working class from achieving communism, no. Surprise! This post is a defense of it.

Globohomo is good, globalist homosexuality, or global homogeneity, honestly I don't think there's an agreed upon definition of what globohomo actually means. And by good, I mean it's a necessary evil. Because it's right about the social issues it drapes upon itself, it's just that the thing being draped over is capitalism and that's downright evil. I don't disagree with the WEF's statement of "you will own nothing and be happy", give me the pod, give us soylent green, I want to ban all cars and travel to work in a sardine can. It may sound cynical but a highly urbanized environment is a goal of communism because urbanization lends itself well to the abolition of private property. Just because there will be a few rich people living ultra consumerist lifestyles doesn't mean people shouldn't be living the globohomo lifestyle of asceticism if you even care about the environment, shouldn't our goal be to get everyone to live that way? Why not form a Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with the billionaires and liberals to to enact the socialist policies they drape themselves in to hurt the right? Because frankly, if we could just shut up about labor unions and free healthcare for a year and focused the left's entire energy on something like trans kids, we would be backed by the capitalists because the right they're calling for border walls, deportation, returning America back to the Regan days, that's not very profitable for the billionaires. Sure, by not focusing on economic issues we will not appeal to the cishetero white men and women, fuck them, we don't need them to build a revolutionary movement, we should make an effort to alienate them since if they move to the right globohomo will obliterate them.

By abandoning the traditional working class and appealing to more marginalized groups like sex workers, felons, the lgbt, children, undocumented immigrants, and most importantly the college educated we will get a much more loyal base of revolutionaries than the dudebros who voted for Bernie Sanders because they have lower living standards than the previous generation of white people. We should tailor our propaganda to the legitimate Biden voters, because they are so stupid and malleable we can use them to push every non-economic issue we have just with a couple Marvel references and triggering the dopamine receptors in their brains with nostalgia of Obama and Anonymous. Globohomo wants to destroy the middle class, for every apartment bought by Blackrock that is one less actual landlord accumulating generational wealth. Just because globohomo creates one billionaire who's probably fucking kids on some private island, it also disenfranchises a countless number of bougiesese kicked out of the evershrinking capitalist club. If we could get as much wealth as possible in the fewest hands then we can create a nearly classless society, and if the targets are so condensed, eventually they can be overthrown. All that matters is aiding the most vulturistic ghouls in their cannibalization of the others rich people, if they are willing to push our social agenda let's use them for a few years. Not forever, but what difference would it make in America if we don't have socialized healthcare for another decade? Drug legalization, abortion enshrined into the constitution, making nazism illegal, banning single family housing (except for the rich people's communities), better access to trans surgery even if it was still privatized, make the nword a felony for white people, repartitions. The list of things that globohomo and us agree with goes on. I say we side with them and stab them in the back eventually. That you for listening to my Ted Talk.

    • VenerablePosadist [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      It was and I'm not ashamed to say it. The world faced a literal plague and we rised up against Trump and the right because of it. This isn't a defense of American democracy or Biden, it's just I find their form of liberalism much more nonhostile towards my leftist beliefs. You think neoconservatives give a shit about trans people?

        • VenerablePosadist [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          I get mad when I put an effort in to be conscience of the environment and my footprint and no one else does but I take joy in the suffering those people will feel when they might eventually have to come down to my level, and also joy for the much greater amount of people who get up to mine. I want to be living in the same conditions everyone else should be fam.

      • Dingdangdog [he/him,comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Non-hostile apathy that creates the conditions for the neocons to do their bit, yeah.

        2020 was looking decent for the left, but then the utter complacency to Biden's continued genocide of the poor and working class and brand new war mongerings happened.

        Complacency created by the very same sham you're defending in the OP actually lol.

        Libs coopted socialist values, at least surface level in their speech, then used them to double down on a further right wing candidate.

        Now we'll have a new, further right wing fascist to follow it up in the near future, that gets to point at all the scary "socialist" things people are saying and will then come down harder than ever before on left wing values.

        • VenerablePosadist [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          Consider this, if Trump was president Afghanistan and Ukraine probably wouldn't have happened, he would have kept the American empire beating for four more years. I mean the death of empire is hard for those in the core but getting the American dollar off oil would be for the best, and if some ghouls benefit from it,I say critical support.

          • Dingdangdog [he/him,comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            Joe Biden as the person to speed up collapse doesn't really grok with the rest of what you're saying.

            Also America is very much still alive lol