Can't even fucking talk to any of my various therapists about this shit. No I can't just "not think about stuff I can't control". I'm autistic, have severe general anxiety, and pretty bad ADHD that medication only marginally helps. I've already improved immensely and stopped worrying about most things.
Except this one.
I organize too don't tell me to do that
Also texts about revolutionary optimism didn't help either. All that shit was a hundred years ago in a completely different state of world
You're so young lol
I used to be kinda like that. Since my teens I'd been drifting further and further left in terms of political position, sans any theory or material understanding. It was frustrating not understanding much, yes, but now with I'm like, Wow! Everything is horrible all the time!
maybe they mean that they were not yet a marxist but out of their teens?
I’m 15 and spend a significant portion of my time reading commie stuff lol