Fuck you FromSoft

  • Stalinsfingers [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    sOuLs vEt with thousands of hours throughout all games, can confirm this is the hardest boss I’ve fought, probably fought more than 100 times and only gotten to phase 2 about 10 of those times.

    The one mind attack is just stupid powerful and i haven’t really found the dodge pattern except for running away and locking off during the third round of that attack and rolling away from it.

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      2 years ago

      She's worse than Orphan of Kos?

      Oh god I'm not going to finish this game am I?

      • Stalinsfingers [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Kos took less attempts but the only issue I have is that flurry attack which just kills instantly, first phase isn’t as bad so long as you know her attack patterns and I appreciate that she isn’t as aggro during her first phase. You can just keep your distance for the most part, if you use summons or spirits I think you can beat it in a few attempts. I haven’t really adapted to the second phase yet because it’s too hard to get too, best I got was her health down to 1/4 phase 2

        • Stalinsfingers [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          Maliketh took less attempts but I reckon it’s a harder boss fight than melania, at least with her fight you have more healing / attack windows. Maliketh just doesn’t stop phase one or two it’s just a constant all out attack. Only reason I killed him was because I got the riposte during the start of his second phase which got his health down quite a bit.

          These bosses are really hard and unbalanced, pretty sure they were created with summoning / spirits in mind.

      • mittens [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Never played Bloodborne, but she has lifedrain on her sword and it's fucking broken. Even if you shield up and receive 0 damage, she will recover like a quarter or more just for swinging her sword against a literal plank of wood. It just makes me recall all the people saying shit like "Margit's ninja spazzing teaches you to alternate between dodging, shielding and guard countering" they're full of shit and they make me angry just to know they're out there practicing the egoraptor school of game criticism.


        Also I think you get the shit ending if you don't defeat Malenia. I mean, my heart of hearts tell me that if I don't defeat the lady behind the space flu, maybe they can't live happily ever after.

        • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
          2 years ago

          I keep forgetting that shields are supposed to be good again in this game, I'm so used to playing without them (except a buckler for parrying) that I've probably made the game significantly harder on myself. I wonder if I should pick one up- I don't even really understand what guard countering is.

          • mittens [he/him]
            2 years ago

            It's just pressing R2 after blocking. It's surprisingly easy to execute but it's also fairly circumstantial, enemies can easily hit you while you're performing your cool counter technique especially with heavy weapons

      • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
        2 years ago

        She's an optional boss fortunately, though RIP if you're trying to get all the achievements lol.

        • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
          2 years ago

          I can live without the platinum trophy. I eventually got to a point where I just had to accept that I'm not good enough at these games to beat the really hard bosses and I'm no longer patient enough to keep trying.

          Honestly, give me Elden Ring without any boss fights and it's the game of the century for me. From bosses just don't do anything for me anymore

          • Candidate [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I feel the opposite, tbh. I love them so much. I need my fix.