I had a post removed for "Patsoc bullshit," and I freely admit I didnt fully understand the body of the work I was reposting (I posted it here in hopes that more savvy people could provide me some context). What is PatSoc, how do I recognize it, and why is it bad? Also, who is Haz and why is he bad?

  • AlkaliMarxist
    5 months ago

    Patsocs are essentially Nazis, they believe in national supremacy and are reactionary on social matters. For example this line from the article you posted:

    To defend the integrity of the entire historical past, means ultimately to defend ones unique existence, to defend the existence of your people, their unique culture and way of life, as irreducible to the whims of institutions.

    This is pretty clearly trying to draw an equivalence between Historical Materialism and Blood and Soil nationalism.

    In this line:

    Two worlds began to take shape after the Second World War: One which is cosmopolitan and historically nihilistic, and one which was deeply national, civilizational, and whose primary basis of legitimation was safeguarding the integrity of history.

    The Cold War necessity of isolationism is contrasted favourably against the "cosmopolitan" west. Literally a statement against the mixing of races, or at least the mixing of cultures.

    Even more pathetic is the view that Putin should have satiated the instant-gratification of Western conservatives, by talking about LGBT and culture war issues.

    This is phrased carefully, but I believe it intends to handwave Putin's atrocious record on LGBT and women's rights. That these issues are merely a tool of western imperialism and chauvinism and that anti-imperialist countries have far more important concerns are common talking points for Patsocs.

    The point of this article is to take people who see the propaganda and historical illiteracy of the US empire but who hold reactionary social opinions, and to redirect their energy back into fascist political projects. Social conservativism, the oppression of minorities and the attempted domination of them culturally is positioned as being inseparable from Marxism. The west is considered weak and removed - primarily because of a perceived capitulation to minorities and a lack of will to protect the national culture. This part is pure Nazi ideology. There seems to be a fair bit of cherry picking and historical illiteracy in the rest of the article, but I'm honestly not interested in picking through a fascist's ramblings to factually disprove them, I hope you can at least see why this article is not welcome on Hexbear, outside of maybe the dunk tank.

    • Dessa [she/her]
      5 months ago

      Thanks, I completely missed these subtexts

      • AlkaliMarxist
        5 months ago

        Yeah, the article is vague enough that even those quotes, which I think are the most damning, could be read charitably. With context about Putin's domestic policy and the beliefs of US Patsocs though, it becomes pretty clear the lines of thinking they're trying to establish.