A reporter speaks to Senator Franklee Aghoul (D-Connecticut)...
"Your bill legalizes the hunting of human beings could you—"
"No, it doesn't. The bill legalizes the hunting of migrants. Not Americans. And we are putting forward this bill to show the American people we are serious about immigration."
"But if it passes - hunting of human beings will be legal."
"First of all - we, the democrats, must show our resolve in controlling the border. Second of all - if the law passes only migrants can be hunted."
"So you're saying that migrants aren't human beings."
"I am not saying—. Actually - what news org are you with?"
Manu Raju of CNN sees an opening and pounces. "He's with LeftyNews."
"Hey, Manu - how ya doin'?" Then the senator points at the LeftyNews guy and says to security "Remove him. They keep sneaking in. He doesn't have permission to be here." Manu louly tells his camera guy to turn of the camera. The senator smiles. The LeftyNews guy protests, demands his First Amendment rights, and yells but they start frog marching him out. Manu and Frank watch. Frank laughs and tells a joke about a priest, a rabbi, and Biden at a bar in Gaza. But Manu's mien is serious befitting the situation. Finally the LeftyNews guy is out of the building and his yelling can't be heard anymore.
"So, senator - could you explain the all-important political dimensions of the Democrat's MigrantHunting bill?"
Haha - they'd actually do that.
A reporter speaks to Senator Franklee Aghoul (D-Connecticut)...
"Your bill legalizes the hunting of human beings could you—"
"No, it doesn't. The bill legalizes the hunting of migrants. Not Americans. And we are putting forward this bill to show the American people we are serious about immigration."
"But if it passes - hunting of human beings will be legal."
"First of all - we, the democrats, must show our resolve in controlling the border. Second of all - if the law passes only migrants can be hunted."
"So you're saying that migrants aren't human beings."
"I am not saying—. Actually - what news org are you with?"
Manu Raju of CNN sees an opening and pounces. "He's with LeftyNews."
"Hey, Manu - how ya doin'?" Then the senator points at the LeftyNews guy and says to security "Remove him. They keep sneaking in. He doesn't have permission to be here." Manu louly tells his camera guy to turn of the camera. The senator smiles. The LeftyNews guy protests, demands his First Amendment rights, and yells but they start frog marching him out. Manu and Frank watch. Frank laughs and tells a joke about a priest, a rabbi, and Biden at a bar in Gaza. But Manu's mien is serious befitting the situation. Finally the LeftyNews guy is out of the building and his yelling can't be heard anymore.
"So, senator - could you explain the all-important political dimensions of the Democrat's MigrantHunting bill?"
"Finally - somebody who speaks my language!"