thank you Edit: Thanks for all your messages here it really makes me welcome :D

  • hcmscrotumhairs [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    If you’re terminally online you’ll identify this as Hegelian/arboreal as opposed to Deleuzian/rhizomal, which has the effect of centralizing power in the platform rather than the content.

    I never thought about it that way. Interesting!

    Important points I gathered from that post:

    How would this work? Basically a curated MDX file where you can see changes in it's commit history? Until now I've used which not always has pages to topics, but this sounds like I'd be able to personalize it? Do you (or anyone) have tips on how to organize such list (Topics, People, generally how and which tags to use?) ?

    • Copypasteable agitprop being prone auto-moderation by @AcidSmiley

    This is definitely a huge downside. What also about additionally to the technical solutions for spam detection you mentioned, designing it to be more as a general guide for understanding as opposed to a definite copypaste rebuttal, meaning a ressouce (Link, Book whatever) with a community sourced disclaimer why that resource holds a lot of meaning:

    e.g.: ressource:

    archive link: [archive links]

    Importance: RFE is fully funded by the US Government. In the context of the question if NATO was still necessary after the disolution SU, this ressource supports the narrative that... etc.[Community sourced]

    related ressources: [community sourced]

    Or would that lead to copypasting nonetheless? I think I saw chuds doing something similar or as wiki where they had a ressource with strawmanned leftist arguments and had hottake answers as rebuttals and linked to in debate bro culture which would probably be good to avoid lol

    I'm just spitballin here because I'm excited about the general idea

    • shiny [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Here is what my current structure looks like. It is more general-purpose than what I envision here but "tips on how to organize" is in this instance just "write the notes and link them," then build out a more structured Wiki-like jumping off point later. The software I use also has functionality to create notes based on templates:

      What I am using for my own archive is Obsidian and am working towards publication via Quartz. It is in essence the note-taking app many PhDs use for research (Roam Research) but your notes are local rather than in a cloud structure. There is also Notion, but it doesn't suit my purposes, being less customizable and having more structure built in.

      GitHub...How would this work?

      The easiest way to do this imo would be a shared Obsidian repo (Obsidian hooks into GitHub with no knowledge necessary). Apps such as MarkDownload (saving a webpage as Markdown) and Zotero (academic reference collection) would likely come in handy.

      Copypasteable agitprop auto-moderated

      I don't think we should be solving this issue before it comes up. It seems easily fixable with your ideas and the earlier ones. I like the way you're thinking about this a lot.

      e: Here are some example collections I like: (1) (2)

      • hcmscrotumhairs [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I love how well you have it organized wtf! Thank you so much for the links, I will probably PM you sometime soon if you dont mind! :stalin-heart:

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      3 years ago

      On the GitHub thing, you can spool up a public or private repo for free and just start going at it. Using markdown files and directory structures to organize everything. I like the GitHub option because it allows you to include documents and images directly. There also the "GitWiki" feature they added which is basically a mini markdown wiki you can use. All of it can be pulled do multiple devices and kept up to date easily and if it gets taken down you always have your local backup to rebuild it from (and vice versa, if your local copy breaks you have the online version)

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          3 years ago

          If you're just using MarkDown and uploading files to it, it's super simple. They include a graphic markdown editor on the site (it's nice because Reddit and Hexbear use MD formatting).

          Until that functionality is built into hexbear, you're just gonna have to copy and paste things yourself, or screenshot them and upload.

          I'm not quite sure what the upload limit on repos is, so try and avoid a ton of high res images and scanned books, maybe use another archive service for those ( etc) and link them in your repo

          • hcmscrotumhairs [comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            This sounds so proficient, the insight is appreciated! Currently I've been using the note to self in signal and it's a jumbled mess. I haven't put much thought about properly organizing this stuff yet. Y'alls posts def sparked ideas.

            I just found gitjournal (I was looking mobile apps to push mdx to git). Do you recommend this, or would you recommend something else?

            EDIT: Just gonna give it a try it looks open source