• FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Okay, so the magic formula is 350*G for 30 minutes. Potaotes, squash, meat, cabbage, carrots. Anything from the produce section of a grocery store like that with a little oil and rosmary will be good enough to impress a date. Just check it at around 20, and then 25 min cause every oven is different and youbdont want it to burn.

      The first rescipe is an ultimate poverty snack. A big orange onion is about 20c. Put some butter or oilve oil, or just like fancy hot sause with it and you have most of a meal that well plated could inpress a date. If you chekc out the food comm here there are a bunch of vatiations of tradional rice and bean dishes that are easy to make and super tastey that could cheaply and healthfully round out a meal.

      The seccond is a simple soup that if you had a big ceramic dish you could make in the oven as stated. That guy has a bunch of simple rescipes that are easy to make, and he explains the theory behind them so it is rad. Scroll through his playlists and just click on anything that looks interesting.

      I too am nearly food illeterste by I learned by looking at old fashioned rescipes. Cause even the fanciest things they used to make back in the day only had a coupple ingredients and simple prep work.