we are going to have a lovely discussion about this video >:3

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    2 years ago

    She has a chapter on the war where she goes pretty hard on supporting Ukraine.

    [1:54:08] Peter has also been quick to seize on opportunities to claim false flag attacks within the warzones, claiming that a theater in Mariupol---a city indisputably shelled by Russian military forces---was supposedly blown up by Ukrainian Neo-Nazis instead, to make Putin look worse---or something.

    Guess what, Sophie, the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis also indisputably have artillery shells! So how can you so smugly dismiss the claim that it was a false flag when we have no hard evidence either way? Fuck you.

    Then she rightfully shits on the nazbol asshole Caleb Maupin, but for sometimes for the wrong reasons. She says Caleb's plea to "do not donate to Ukraine" is "unhinged". Fuck you, Sophie! I'm not giving any of my money to those fascist NATO puppets so they can prolong the war and get more people killed; Caleb is absolutely right on that point. Joe Brandon just gave them 4 billion dollars.

    Then she calls the Ukrainian biolabs "totally innocuous" and dismisses any possibility that they housed dangerous pathogens as Russian propaganda.
