• ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Eh, I think that if you compare the things you would actually have to do to coup the federal government with the things the more "organized" figures in Fox News and such did it's such a different ballpark I'm not even sure the organized part of Jan 6 were aware of what sport they were playing.

    To coup the federal government, you would need the support of top military officials or the intelligence apparatus (preferably both). The military would have to occupy Washington DC and lock it down while the FBI/CIA make mass arrests. The press would have to be lead through statements about how there is an emergency and the military is "handling it". You would then have to do all of this again in at least half of the fifty states very quickly before the state governors who oppose you get their political machines in gear to do something like activate their national guard.

    By contrast, the Jan 6 people got around 10k unaffiliated people into DC and incited a riot. That's it.

    • Wheaties [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Someone on chapo said something along the lines of

      They wondered into the building where politics happens and waited for a cutscene to start

      It certainly demonstrates that a competent, charismatic general would have the base of support to pull off a coup. But i don't think we have any figures near power that are competent and charismatic enough.