• AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    horrific anti-drug policy

    for those not in the know, cops in Hamburg had a policy against dealers swallowing their stash, which was force-feeding them vomit-inducing medication. you see, dealers pushing small amounts to random end users on the street tend to hide most of their wares in underground depots and only have a package or two on them at any given time so they get smaller charges if they're caught, and dealers in Hamburg tended to just swallow that small amount when confronted by the cops. which made chuds fume at the mouth because their beloved piggies were "incapable of stopping a crime in progress". which is where the forced vomitting comes in.

    not only was this act of literally shoving a tube down people's throats and pouring an incredibly foul-tasting liquid into their bellies critizised as being a form of torture, it also almost exclusively targeted black people, as the sales end of pushing drugs on the streets is in the eyes of cops handled exclusively by African immigrants (nvm that there's of course actually dealers of all skin colors, these are cops we're talking about, they'll never let a chance to do a racial profiling go to waste). So Hamburg had a form of racially profiled torture for years, under Olaf Scholz's watch, and it only stopped after an alleged drug dealer died in custody when the pigs forced him to vomit up his stash.

    I don't find it surprising at all that black friends have told me that Berlin is the only city in Germany they feel fully safe in.