Been hearing a lot of rumblings from normal people in the warhammer community they are tired of fascists worshipping the imperium of man in their community.

is it like a human supremacist group in the lore or something like the empire in Star Wars?

  • 4zi [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    sometime around our generation, humanity colonizes mars and then terraforms it. we then go and colonize other planets, so on so forth. like 20 thousand years pass and eventually we figure out how to use this thing called the warp (like the fabric of the universe i guess?) to do space travel quickly, and then manifest destiny kicks into overdrive. a bunch of random stuff happens, but 3000 years later some thing makes warp drive impossible to do (i forget what it is). by now people learn they can do magic by channeling the warp, and this plus being cut off from the warp drive stuff makes humanity descend into chaos. bunch of wars and nazi stuff happens for like 10000 years. then the emperor shows up, who is one of those guys who knows how to use magic, and is supposed to be immortal and uber smart and basically hes the ultra propagandized ultra fantasy version of hitler. conquers earth, creates imperium of man. more importantly he knows how to channel the warp to do the space travel warp drive thing, and uses this to conquer all the broken-off nations that got cut off when warp drive machine broke. he does this by genetically engineering massive space marines who are uber powerful and shit

    A force of a hundred of these genetically and biochemically-enhanced transhuman warriors could quell a rebellious city in solar hours. Thousands could conquer a world in only solar days, and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands wielded at once were the doom of entire species, capable of reducing alien civilisations to mere dust and memory in a span no greater than the single course of Terra's orbit around the Sun.

    he does a bunch of conquering and genocides for like 10000 years, then there is this thing called the horus heresy that happens, and he becomes deathly ill and requires like 1000 people to be sacrificed at his throne daily just to stay alive. and if he dies, the space travel thing goes away too. and also at some point, some of his followers resurrected the catholic church basically and started to do a bunch of inquisitions

    reactionaries love it because its what they fantasize. what they dont get is that if you have an ounce of critical thought and don't consume media in a literalism mode 110% of the time, you would see that its clearly satire since average life for a human is immensely bleak. your life is defined by your service to the state. if you dont produce or carry out the will of the state, your are killed. if you carry out the will of the state, you are either literal cannon fodder asiatic horde mass wave shit, or a genetically engineered slave destined to fight for near infinity. the only culture is the religion surrounding the empire, and if you dont believe in it 110%, then you are a heretic to be disposed of. there is no quality of life, as your life is not supposed to have any quality. its all horrible, awful shit, but the reactionaries just cant see it as "bad"

    heres some good videos if youre curious

    also r/sigmarxism is actually pretty decent

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      The Dreadnoughts should be evidence enough of how little value the Imperium puts into human life. Even being killed won't save you from your eternal state of enslaved warfare. Your corpse will be reanimated with the faintest spark of your former life inhabiting a walking metal coffin. You'll become only the hatred, murder, and genocide you exhibited in life without any of the humanity to get in the way. Your only use now is a shriveled organic meat paste to pilot walking artillery

      • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
        2 years ago

        And if you fall in battle as a Dreadnought, well, better hope the rest of your team survives (and remember, Dreadnoughts are the most powerful soldiers) or finds you later, because otherwise, you'll just be sitting there forever, still conscious, but unable to move or do anything.

    • anaesidemus [he/him]
      2 years ago

      In the earlier lore, the Emperor was the result of every Shaman on Earth committing ritual suicide to release their psychic essence into the warp that manifested in the Emperor. He was apparently born on the steppes of Anatolia in antiquity, and had tried to guide humanity from the shadows. So he then lived through all of this, maybe he was literally Hitler or even Stalin??? Then after the dark ages he decides to finally reveal himself.

      The Emperor is then of course Turkish 🇹🇷

      • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
        2 years ago

        It is heavily implied that he was Julius Caesar, which is where all the Latin comes from.