Editors: Masami Toku & Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase
Layout and design: Thelonious Kai Aull

E-ISBN: 978-989-54683-7-9 (eBook/PDF)
ISBN : 978-989-54683-6-2 (Printed Book)
D.O.I: 10.24981/2020-3

This book explores the power of visual pop culture, in particular, manga, discussing theories and practices for incorporating its study into diverse educational disciplines. It presents the value of education through manga, showcasing ways in which manga can be a very useful pedagogical tool in educational curricula.The content is composed of two parts: 1) theory and practice in ARTS (visual and performing arts) education and 2) manga in cultural, language, and media studies, with particular emphasis on pedagogical aspects. 24 authors who are specialists in visual popular culture in their respective disciplines share their knowledge and experiences of how to incorporate the value of manga into their academic subjects. We hope that this book will contribute to the further advancement of education in visual pop culture and that a wide range of readers will use it as a springboard to spread our belief in “education through manga across disciplines.”