Blue MAGA may dominate legacy media (which is done by design because it sets the limit to how left-wing you are allowed to be), but the GOP all the way to the most bloodthirsty psychopaths have a monopoly on new media. It is making our youth think violence, hate groups, and nazism is "hip and cool" while tolerance is seen as something for losers.

PragerU, Ben Shapiro, Richard Spencer, Jordan Peterson, Nick Fuentes, /pol/, these people are considered to be omniscient and are among the media icons of milennials and gen z (yes, I know Peterson is much older and PragerU isn't a person), but the problem is these people have won the culture war just telling people what they want to hear. We are outnumbered and as much as I want to challenge these views, I don't think I can reliably do that.

To anyone that has converted a younger hog, how did you manage to do that? I've had speculation that if I was friends with one and had one-on-one chats in let's say an Overwatch team chat or whatever they'd be more likely to listen. Alternatively, we could try to use any burner accounts and subscribe them to any leftist channel on Youtube or Twitter and see if we can skew the algorithm less in the right's favor.

Other than that, I would say that the left could do with better PR and steal some tricks from the right on how to get better publicity. Cherry pick the cringiest MRAs, the most ungrateful landlords, etc.

Idk, I get that this is an unrefined thought, but I don't really have the language to put this in better terms.

  • PZK [he/him]
    2 years ago

    A key thing to recognize is that right-wing media focuses heavily on emotions.

    The best example I have heard is the idea you have an elephant with a man riding it. The man symbolizes our logical reasoning, the elephant symbolizes our feelings.

    Liberals (or for the sake of example, leftists) want to appeal to the elephant rider because he represents logical reasoning and they want him to guide the elephant. Conservatives however, ignore the elephant rider and appeal directly to the elephant itself, because all they need to do is manipulate the elephant and the rider is unable to do anything. Our emotional thinking usually overpowers our logical reasoning and conservatives exploit this for political gain to its fullest potential. Much of everything they do and say is about making people fearful and angry. Conservatives despite usually being privileged people are made to feel like they are under attack. It resonates emotionally and they don't think about it any further.

    A possible solution? Follow their example but use it for left leaning ideas. People feeling disadvantaged, under threat, or frustrated are likely to feel cynical about the motives of others. So instead of trying to recite marxist theory to a co-worker for example, sell it to them like this: "Your boss is stealing your labor".

    It's simple, effective, and difficult to twist the meaning around into something else. Simple ideas that are immutable truths of leftism will be more effective at converting people than trying to explain the intricate nature of leftist theory. Theory does have its place though, it is when they start asking more follow up questions that they are more open to hearing logical argument. To have what was initially an emotional feeling reinforced by logical reasoning is what really starts to change peoples minds.

    Basically sell simple, digestible, emotional reasoning upfront with theory in the backseat when they ask questions. Another example: "Cops don't protect people, they protect money."