If you don’t understand this, you get to go to a free re-education camp! :yes-hahaha-yes-l:

Working for less than minimum wage because you are a contractor, awesome. Cool. Thanks.

“Here’s your Doordash order….”

    • Sbebg [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      As someone who doordashes full time I find that rich people tip the worst. Some poor people don’t tip at all. But most shitty neiborhoods I deliver to actually tip me pretty good. Same with middle class people it’s either no tip or a good one. Rich people usually give me like 2 dollars on their 170 dollar order. Although on occasion I’ll get a good rich person who tips me like 20 dollars but that’s 1/10 mansions

      • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
        2 years ago

        It's not the same obviously but I used to wait tables and we had a patron who was a minor local celebrity for being a successful small business tyrant and she was a notoriously demanding table and a $1 tipper.