I heard some whoppers:

:galaxy-brain: "I have studied every religion. They are all parts of the same universal truth... except Boodyhizzim." (yes he pronounced Buddhism as Boodyhizzim.)

:wojak-nooo: "I am so sick of poor people dominating gaming. Developers are forced to make weaker games with worse graphics because the poor need to be catered do. My rig is top of the line and nothing uses its full potential."

:frothingfash: "Being gay is a choice. Gay men aren't just d---------s, they're lazy because men always want to get laid and it's easier to fuck men."

  • anaesidemus [he/him]
    2 years ago

    words in English were inherently male or female and men could be made more docile by changing their vocabulary to more feminine words

    ok so there are languages where words have arbitrary genders, English is not one of them, and there is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis so who knows, it might work. Better than castration at least.