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  • leninstoupee [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I don’t agree with obfuscating the definition of socialism as you have done

    That's not what I did.

    because with a flexible or nebulous definition we end up with people claiming that social democracies are socialism so long as they’re run by a “worker’s party”.

    You're going to have to deal with that anyways. Your current focus actually wastes your and others' time in this manner as well, O China-is-not-socialist-dialog-pusher.

    This is a form of toxic liberalism that doesn't go anywhere except infighting about some very stupid shit.

    To the contrary, I think there are real conditions a society must observably reach for it to be regarded as socialist. If we define socialism as, generally, a society in which “the means of production, distribution, and exchange are democratically controlled by the workers”, then China is not socialist.

    Is that something you've simply observed? You're looking to make observable conditions, right? So you're ready to go with concrete and universal definitions of democracy and control, yes? Because many Chinese communists have described the country as democratic and in control over those things - and representing workers - via the party. Are you prepared for that discussion and have you done the readings to anticipate it? Would you say it's chauvinist to not have discussed them in the first place? I would.

    A large proportion of China’s wealth comes from privatized companies.

    What proportion must be observed for socialism to exist? 40%? 12.7%? 0%? What do you learn from this endeavor of creating a hard line that you apply to every other culture on the planet? I would suspect that this actually vibes-based line would not be met by any current or historical country, so what have you, let alone anyone else, gained in that circumstance? What are you going to do in organizing or in describing other countries' processes? I'm going to call, say, Cuba socialist because it's dominated by an effective anti-imperialist communist party engaging in a struggle towards socialism. Are you going to wag your finger and say, "well Cuba isn't true socialism"? To what effect?

    Much like in capitalist countries, goods and services are distributed through the (more or less) free market.

    This is a lib take that confuses me. No markets actually operate according to the capitalist idealism of a "free market". Saying that any more or less do is itself a capitalist take, like shit pushed by the IMF to force privatization on exploited countries.

    I imagine a majority of Chinese people labor for wages in privatized or state-run workplaces.

    Why are you imagining things? I thought you were observing concrete conditions to draw a line between socialism and non-socialism?

    Take a second and just read this paragraph. This is the country you describe as being socialist

    You are simply revealing that you just wanted to have a "China isn't socialist" fight because I actually didn't fucking say that. I told you that this discourse is a distraction and that it's far more useful to describe based on whether a country (or other group) is actually engaged in a socialist process. I also made reference to the DOTP.

    [an except from Wikipedia]

    What am I meant to take away from this? Do you want me to guess and argue with the guess?

    China surely is at the primary or early stage of socialism, and probably is on the path of socialism, but it’s still very far from genuine socialism.

    lol I was going to write a whole thing about toxic Western leftism and liberal soul-searching about true socialism (always an effort to exclude targets of imperial violence, btw) earlier but thought I shouldn't speculate too much.

    It’s okay to be excited about China’s progress and achievements, I am too, but as I said earlier, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m sure we can at least both agree that China has many leaps and bounds to make before they are able to realize a genuinely socialist country.

    I'm guessing you thought this was conciliatory?

    • GucciMane [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      As of 2018, China was first in the world in total number of billionaires and second in millionaires – there were 658 Chinese billionaires[96] and 3.5 million millionaires.[97] In 2019, China overtook the US as the home to the highest number of rich people in the world, according to the global wealth report by Credit Suisse.[98][99] In other words, as of 2019, a hundred million Chinese are in the top ten percent of the wealthiest individuals in the world – those who have a net personal wealth of at least $110,000.[100] In 2020, China has the world’s highest number of billionaires, which is more than the US and India combined,[101] and as of March 2021, the number of billionaires in China reach 1,058 with the combined wealth of US$4.5 trillion.[102] According to the Hurun Global Rich List 2021, China is home to six of the world’s top ten cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Hangzhou and Guangzhou in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th spots, respectively) by the highest number of billionaires, which is more than any other country