Some good stuff (climate) and then some lib shit (reclaiming Hamilton from a left perspective l-o-l) and then some downright chud shit, like his views on the "lockdowns" in the US that weren't really lockdowns. "Organized left", Christian? What organized left? What lockdowns? Sounds like some real Barrington Declaration shit.
Anyways, back to that age old question of why the offspring of leftists turn out to be so disappointing
Meanwhile Kissinger and Biden are still going.
Though genuinely not sure who's more coherent at the moment between Parenti or Biden
Muricans really need to stop pretending like "cancel culture" is a real thing
they need to stat talking about the actual cancel culture. you know, the one where BLM activists get disappeared and shit. where reporting counter to the narrative is blackholed. the kind of cancel culture that has always existed.
Nuh-uh. Cancel culture is when you get a few hundred million for your Netflix comedy special. Getting disappeared by the cops is called freedom.
it is kind of a real thing if you're a journalist or a university professor, and all it means there is "I don't like it when lots of people online call me a moron."
Proof, along with Mayo Pete and Kamala Harris, that children are just mindless contrarian rebels.
Raise your kids as chuds so they lead the Maoist third world revolution!!!111
worked for me lol, im sure my dad would be horrified if i told him my politics now.
I think this is half true. Their dads were both professors. I wouldn't be surprised if they were relatively absent both physically and emotionally. Profs tend to devote their lives to academia and family comes second (painting with a broad brush, sure, but I've known a lot of profs). Make your kids your #1 priority in life and you have a chance at least they won't just go against what you believe in by default.
Well nail to me a cross and call me Christian, that's some good stuff
What's his stance on China? That's what makes or breaks western leftists for me.
Google is very light on anything he might have written on China, but if his lockdown views are any indication, he's probably not a fan. China is suspiciously missing from that article too.
:theory-gary: it is written that the progeny of the academic marxist becomes :liberalism:
Years ago there were some articles in the Murican mainstream press, about some guy's new book about the greatness of Capitalism, what was interesting was that his parents were both Communists (his dad was an exiled Iranian Communist). The funny thing was that his parents were protesting his book launch lol.
A lot of hate towards the Brit CPGB-ML party, they are infamous for carrying a huge banner of Stalin on Maydays, they are anti-Trans, and Harpal Brar is some petty bourgeois, but both his kids turned out to be hardcore Stalinists just like him. Considering they were raised in Great Britain, which is more friendly towards Trotsky and extremely hostile to Stalin, it's a wonder that his kids have the same politics as him.
you know, I had a lot of the same thoughts listening to Nora Guthrie in an interview recently