• corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      4 months ago

      Truth. Another 150 applications out in the past 5 days and only 3 interviews since september. I know I've posted those personal stats a lot, but fuck me goddamn, I just wanna pay bills and rent and buy food

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    4 months ago

    How has the job market NOT CHANGED AT ALL since 2008? We're still in times when porky doesn't want to hire at all, and the few times he absolutely must, he isn't settling for anything less than perfect but unfortunately for us, there's no shortage of purple squirrels who will gladly take entry level roles.

    Why was I even born? There's literally no purpose to my life.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      How has the job market NOT CHANGED AT ALL since 2008?

      Its changed substantially. Boomers back in 2008 were still in their 50s/60s and not yet fully retired. Now they're in they're in their 70s and have existed the labor market in droves. We had a glut of college students entering the labor market in 2008 with very little room to negotiate. Now college enrollment has dipped under the 2006 level and the youth population is drying up because people can't afford to have kids.

      Porky doesn't want to hire because shit cost money, but their payrolls have been thinning substantively while cost of living has skyrocketed. A lot of this AI nonsense is about promising people they can get Software As A Service to fill the yawning gaps in labor supply. That's also giving union groups significant new leverage. And as American industrialists struggle to insource manufacturing jobs (because oops! those are important for an urban economy!) they're discovering a far more militant labor base than what they expected after 40 years of union busting.

      Why was I even born? There's literally no purpose to my life.


      Motherfucker, you gotta recognize where you are, and then you gotta get passed that. You gotta be unemotional. You can't sink into this hole. You live in the oubliette. Your job is to crawl up the ladder, motherfucker. You live in the HOLE. You're in the HOLE. You are a RAT. And the rat, when he's in the hole gets fucked. People only throw trash in the hole.

      You need to eat a body. And you need to carry the plague. And you need to carry a plague around this whole world, that will change this whole fuckin world. And all your enemies will vomit black bile and will choke on blood and will grow boils and die. But only if you get together with your other RATS. And you come up with some kind of super plague, to fuckin end your enemies and...

      End. This. Nightmare.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        4 months ago

        End. This. Nightmare

        real you-are-a-serf hours who up

        grammar whinging


        this isn't a correction because i don't know which is more correct but "gotta get passed that" seems like it could also be 'past', gotta (put the recognition of where you are) in the past, vs. get (to) passing beyond (that recognition of where you are). funny how these two words are homonyms & end up so close in meaning in this sentence