The wealthy can avoid paying taxes, squirrel their way out of trouble and buy influence with their fat stacks of cash, and poor people can... "live off welfare". It all evens out! :big-cool:

In the same conversation he also expressed the opinion that day-fines were the greatest injustice in the world (his dad had been caught speeding)

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Finland also uses day fines and I can confirm that speeding tickets especially make porkies big mad

    Edit: lol, from the linked Wikipedia article:

    There is no maximum day-fine which may lead to considerably high fines for high-income persons. For example, in 2001, a Finnish businessman with a yearly income of 10 million euros, received a relatively mild punishment of six day-fines, amounting €26,000, for driving though a red traffic light.[16][17] In 2009 a businessman was fined €112,000 for travelling at 82 kilometres per hour in an area with a speed limit of 60 kilometres per hour.[18] In 2019, Maarit Toivanen, a business executive, was fined €74,000 for driving at 112 kilometres per hour (70 mph) in a 80 kilometres per hour (50 mph) speed limit area.[19] As speeding is punished with a petty fine if the offender is exceeding the speed limit by up to 20 km/h, but with a day-fine if exceeding the limit by 21 km/h or more, the monetary amount of the fine can increase from €115 to over €100,000 although the actual change in speed is less than 1 km/h This has given rise to some criticism, most vividly expressed by a Finnish member of parliament, avid motorist Klaus Bremer and other MPs of right-wing parties. 20]

    :michael-laugh: :michael-laugh: :michael-laugh: