"Back ground check will be performed"

  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
    2 years ago

    "Person can work off the rent" so really the rent is whatever you say it is because the person is working all the time with no contract and has no way to quantify how much they "worked off." Right...

    • CrimsonDynamo [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I used to live in a basement apartment that flooded every time it rained or all the snow melted. The first time it happened, they apologized profusely and put us in a hotel for a couple of days while they cleaned it up.

      Guess what? They didn't fix the issue and it kept happening. I lived there almost two years and there were MONTHS that my bathroom had an inch of standing water. They only helped the first time, then decided to pay us $15/hr to clean it up ourselves. We did for a while, and even sent them an itemized list of our time and expenses.

      They started resenting us because the way it worked out, we barely paid any rent. After they started getting shitty with us, we took them to court, and the guy tried to settle it in the hallway. We said "hell no" because they haven't held up their end of the bargain up until this point.

      Long story short, the stress of fighting the landlords was the straw that broke the camel's back in my relationship with the person I was with, she started texting some guy behind my back. When I found out, I came home, packed my shit and left her sitting in a swamp apartment and told her she was on her own.