i know i'll just get irony-poisoned meme replies but i honestly want to know.

  • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Is there weird stuff against Assad other than his family being full of genocidal maniacs and the only actual syrians who support them being the Damascus bourgeoisie?

      • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I don't/didn't support US intervention over there, but the idea that someone like Assad using chemical weapons on people when his father flattened an entire city to quell unrest is not as unlikely as white bro conspiracy theory enjoyers will have you believe. Nor was it necessary to manufacture consent for US operations over there (the average American gave about 1/100th of the shit back then about Syria that they do about Ukraine, but US dropped bombs anyway). Even with something like Libya, there was very little actual lying and public consensus needed. US politicians just did whatever they wanted to do. Ukraine is different, as we've been manufacturing consent against Russia in overdrive since 2015/2016 and this mass "solidarity" with Ukraine we're seeing is the outcome of that.