Picking 2008 arbitrarily. That was 14 years ago and by my count I can only think of 4 pieces of legislation that were materially significant:

  1. Banker bail-outs
  2. The Affordable Care Act
  3. Trump's tax cuts
  4. The COVID relief bill/bills

That's it, 4 significant pieces of legislation in 14 years unless I'm forgetting some. Think about how much the world has changed and how much our problems have both multiplied and gotten deeper. And importantly, note the theme here. These are the only significant acts done by congress in 14 years and all 4 of them are of similar nature: they are designed to increase the flow of wealth to the capitalists. All 4 done under the pretense of actually being good for Americans but instead are attacks against the working class by the capitalists in power.

Are there any other legislative acts I'm missing?

The US is fucked as long as we remain under the dictatorship of the bourgeois. We are completely unable to address challenges in the future unless it involves bombing shit. The only legislation we can pass are things that transfer wealth from the workers to the capitalists, that's all that's allowed.