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  • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    It's super funny how in Civ V whenever literally any civilization gets a culture victory all the other leaders start complaining about their citizens wearing that civ's blue jeans and listening to their pop music.

    Also how in Civ V the science "victory" is just you building a space ship and fucking off into space forever.

    Oh almost forgot about Civ V's ideology options. The options aren't Communism, Liberalism, or Fascism. No, the options instead are Order, Freedom, or Autocracy. Too much ideology is baked into that naming scheme to unpack

    • RandyLahey [he/him]
      3 years ago

      yeah the science victory bugs me possibly more than anything, like the greatest possible use of science is to be able to use your entire countrys productive capacity to build a big rocket for a pointless space colony impossibly distant from actual earth, fundamentally indistinguishable in both mechanics and intent to just building the pyramids in space to say 'look on my works ye mighty and despair'

      and not to use science to build a true post-scarcity society, to eradicate disease and hunger and suffering and want and establish falgsc or anything equivalent because the creators and the game cant even conceive of any societal progress beyond modern neoliberalism but with a bit more shiny shit

      and its so american that if someone else is progressing further with their performative space rocket, you need to stop them by going and burning their capital down because its all zero sum and nobody is allowed to have more progress than you

      • cosecantphi [he/him, they/them]
        3 years ago

        pointless space colony impossibly distant from actual earth

        That's the part that really gets me. It's even worse than building a colony on Mars or the moon like Musk wants to do. If by some miracle we ever solve climate change and do falgsc then maybe having outposts and infrastructure throughout the solar system would be useful.

        But the rocket in the Civ V science victory is a colony ship headed four light-years away to Alpha Centauri. Most people who left on that ship will be either elderly or dead when it arrives and it'll take 8 years to send a message back to Earth and receive a message back. No significant resources will ever make their way back to Earth from Alpha Centauri and no significant resources will ever reach Alpha Centauri from Earth. In a matter of maybe one or two generations the colony becomes culturally alien to Earth due to lack of meaningful contact.

        Now we have people out there living a harsh existence on an alien world just so people back on Earth in whatever nation got the science victory can point to Alpha Centauri and use it to brag to other nations.

    • UlyssesT
      2 months ago

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