Nutritionally speaking, grains are starches, along with starchy tubers like potatoes. Vegetables tend to be the non-starchy, non-reproductive parts of plants like non-starchy roots, leaves, and immature flowers (plus the occasional fruit like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers).
Do we not consider grains to be a vegetable?
Nutritionally speaking, grains are starches, along with starchy tubers like potatoes. Vegetables tend to be the non-starchy, non-reproductive parts of plants like non-starchy roots, leaves, and immature flowers (plus the occasional fruit like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers).
is a loaf of bread a vegetable
It's vegetables that have been rearranged by fungus, no?
I believe this would also make alcohol a vegetable
"Yeah, I'm a vegetarian"
:grillman: :corona:
(Ignore the COVID, couldn't find a better beer emote)