1. Did anyone else just hear gunshots?
  2. Why are there cop cars here?
  3. Why is a helicopter circling over here?
  4. Where’s my dog?

The answers to which are always the same:

  1. A car backfired
  2. Because they’re there every day to brutalize the poor for stealing a toothbrush from hapless Walmart
  3. Because you live right next to the airport
  4. A coyote had it for dinner

Someone tell me how to convince my relatives to remove this shit from their house

  • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    God I relate so much to the parents having tech knowledge but still having that sort of home security. My father is IT ffs. To his credit he tries to locally host what he can I regards to his smart home setup but Christ the Alexa shit bothers me. My mom won't let him out cameras in the house (bless her) but he definitely wants to. They both have that boomer mentality that there are thousands of poor people/junkies who want to break into their home and steal their shit tho unfortunately.