I hate the Melvins. Buzz is fucking annoying as a person, and as a songwriter, every album they've ever put out is composed of 1, maybe 2 good songs and the rest filler. Their newer stuff is just butt rock.

  • boffa [ey/em,e/em/eir]
    2 years ago

    Regular people don't just sit down in a quiet room to listen to music. Mainly they listen to music while they drive or some other activity. You never listen to music in a room the size of a concert hall. I think this is a big component in evolving tastes. Rap for example sounds better over the car radio on the highway than say jazz. Rock sounds better in the car than opera.

    If you took rap back in time and let Mozart hear it, would he recognize it as music? No, because first you'd have to teach him how to drive/play counterstrike.

    • CyberMao [it/its]
      2 years ago

      Architecture has historically been a big influence on the sorts of sounds which are popular. A lot of music nowadays is specifically produced to come out of phones and have a flashy hook (TikTok musicians) or over the radio in a noisy area (stores or cars). Jazz clubs had acoustics that allow you to hear faster and more complicated lines without them all blurring together. A lot of rock in the 80’s was really simple and made to be heard in an arena. A lot of modern metal is basically designed to be blasted through headphones. Have you ever heard techdeath out of a shitty phone speaker from across the room? It’s just a mess of noise