Link to the paper in Science: Ancestry-inclusive dog genomics challenges popular breed stereotypes.

Environment and socialization remain the largest determining factor.

Unsurprisingly, most stereotypes about dog breeds are pseudoscience that come from the eugenics movement. In particular, “popular knowledge” around pitbulls and bulldogs is just thinly veiled racism.

interview on the study from the verge:

The research did find some genes associated with traits like human sociability and howling frequency. But overall, only around 9 percent of dog behavior was explained by breed.

“Dogs are individuals,” said Marjie Alonso, a study author and executive director of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. “What a dog looks like is not really going to tell you what the dog acts like.”

Edit: modern “purebred” breeding literally came from eugenicists, that’s why this old political cartoon even exists. Documentary on pedigree dogs and their many issues:

  • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Awesome, I guess I can just own a husky in my apartment just like a chihuahua and not worry about it, because its breed characteristics of being high energy and needing physical exercise (even compared to similar sized dogs) were just make believe! I guess retrievers being gentle, shiba inus being willful, and pitbulls having strong latching tendencies is all just a collective delusion.

    Dog breed characteristics are absolutely real, and even considering them comparable to human genetic behaviors is basically doing race science believers' work for them. "Behaviors" among humans are completely different than an instinct driven animal like a dog, which is why evopsych and race science shit are trash science.

    Looking at the actual study, the problems that cause the obviously bogus result are:

    • They are going by survey responses. I can't even start to explain how this does nothing except aggregate beliefs. Who is gonna be like "oh yeah my sweet baby pitbull Cupcakes is extremely aggressive to other dogs and children and exhibits strong latching instinct!"
    • Dangerous dog breeds often attack instinctually in ways that are completely different than their socialized nature. If you say your dog has never done something, that's not the same as saying the dog doesn't have a tendency towards it.
    • They had to further muddle the data by trying to highlight a linear correspondence between breed DNA and reliability of that behavior. That's not how DNA works. For example, Corgi visual phenotypes are fairly dominant so breeding them with anything else will be guaranteed to look more like a Corgi. If you assume behavior is determined by DNA, the same idea applies.

    If you want to insultingly compare this to human eugenic atrocities, then try going over to eastern Europe and do a survey of 20,000 people on what behaviors they've observed from different groups of people. Let me know how great the survey approach turns out there.

    I think where this more likely applies is how every dog breed has a laundry list of ultraspecific behavioral tendencies that really tend to be nonsense in the same way wine tasting notes are often silly. They're way too specific and determined by limited subjective experience and bias. But you can absolutely identify broad characteristics among breeds.

    • kristina [she/her]
      2 years ago

      They are going by survey responses. I can’t even start to explain how this does nothing except aggregate beliefs.


      • BoldTake [e/em/eir, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Look over the actual paper, that comment is not coherent. Also from an 8 day old account, so they're probably one of those dweebs who keeps getting banned for being insufferable.

        • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Look over the actual paper, that comment is not coherent

          fta: "The study analyzed survey responses from nearly 20,000 dog owners about their dog’s behavior"

          Also from an 8 day old account, so they’re probably one of those dweebs who keeps getting banned for being insufferable.

          I'm guessing you've never been doxxed by chuds if you think rotating accounts is inherently sus

          • Ideology [she/her]
            2 years ago

            I kinda agree that written survey stuff is pretty weak. But like everything else in our stupid lives, dog breeds have somehow become political. And people absolutely make snap judgements about breeds and their owners based on racist and classist assumptions. I would generally agree with a study that found training/upbringing has a stronger effect on breed behavior than genetics because otherwise there wouldn't be a whole subculture around rehabilitating dog rescues.

    • BoldTake [e/em/eir, comrade/them]
      2 years ago


      The bazinga is off the charts in this one.

      you want to insultingly compare this to human eugenic atrocities

      look up the history of where the dog breeds you care so much about came from :)

      you can absolutely identify broad characteristics among breeds

      the study speaks to this. it is present, but extremely limited. clearest example was hounds barking more and border collies being a bit more proficient at learning commands.

      • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
        2 years ago

        The bazinga is off the charts in this one.

        You posted a science article to c/science. It's not "bazinga" to criticize shitty (or in this case, poorly messaged) scientific research in a science comm.

        the study speaks to this. it is present, but extremely limited. clearest example was hounds barking more and border collies being a bit more proficient at learning commands.

        You and I both know that the main use of this study in discourse will be over pitbulls, whether they exhibit breed specific aggression and attack behavior (latching, etc.), and whether they overall pose a danger to own as a pet.

        • BoldTake [e/em/eir, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          Interesting you shift to pitbulls. That topic has been covered in other threads. Pitbulls are fine and the fear around them is largely based in racism.

          example on how connected "dog breeds" and eugenics are:

          • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
            2 years ago

            I didn't shift. I just fully understand that there's exactly one breed over which breed characteristics is a hot button issue, and so I'm just anticipating the discursive application of these results.

            example on how connected “dog breeds” and eugenics are:

            Whether or not eugenicists were involved in early dog breeding (which, if you look at breeds like German shepherds or pugs, is obviously evil) has no relevance whatsoever on the existence of dog breed behavioral characteristics.

            Pitbulls are fine and the fear around them is largely based in racism.

            The only people I've known with poorly socialized pitbulls have been white rednecks bragging about how their huntin pit needed a train chain to be kept away from other dogs at home. The only ones with well socialized pits who I still saw maul a kid were white suburban people. The danger from pitbulls is empirical, and trying to paint your opponents as bigoted is a despicable exploitation of racial tension for rhetorical purpose. And one that's totally unnecessary given that the data is right there.

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            This seems like an American or western specific issue, 52 countries worldwide have dog breed specific bans/laws, and even more counties have further restrictions. Countries outside of the west can implement bans on dog breeds without being racist. It seems that the west has become so mind fucked that they try to ban dog breeds mostly owned by minority groups and/or POC in an attempt to do segregation. Which is just something else. Sounds similar to how voter ID laws are actually racist in the US because of the way the system is.

            I know that Shanghai and Beijing ban most large dog breeds, including pitbulls. I know certain cities in sub Saharan Africa, like Gaborone, ban what they think are dangerous dogs. Then there's countries like Tunisia that straight up have country wide bans on dogs like pit bulls and boerboels. I don't think these areas have pit bull bans for racist reasons.

        • bigboopballs [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Pit bulls are responsible for 70% of all dog attack deaths

          "bUt tHeY aRe sO pReCiOuS" -- people on this fucking website even

        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I'm at the point of begging. This whole thing depresses the fuck out of me. This is what - the second time we've had this same struggle session? Third? There's no traction to be found here, its just grinding metal long after the gear has been sheared off the drive shaft.

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            Like in different cultures people won't be taken kindly to being compared to a dog. I had a friend that nicknamed all the local dogs, both street dogs and those owned by someone, after dictators lol. He'd be like "oh there's Idi Amin" or "there's Hendrik Verwoerd". It was pretty funny, but it clearly showed that he didn't view dogs as pets.

            Though I also have many friends that love dogs as well so...

        • BoldTake [e/em/eir, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          I am literally not doing that. The concept of dog breeds and kennel clubs comes out of the eugenics movement.

      • newerAccountWhoDis [they/them]
        2 years ago

        hounds barking more and border collies being a bit more proficient at learning commands.

        So you say there is a correlation between genes and behavior?

        • BoldTake [e/em/eir, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          New genetic study shows that a dog’s breed doesn’t predict much about its behavior. Most stereotypes around dog breeds are wrong.

    • blobjim [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Environment and socialization remain the largest determining factor.

      Like aren't most dogs trained by someone before they're even allowed to be with other people?

      • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I really don't think the average person trains their dog that well.

        My "dangerous owner of dangerous large breed" stereotype is some shithead in the burbs who doesn't pay any attention to it.

        • blobjim [he/him]
          2 years ago

          yeah I guess I don't really know much about pet ownership.