So we know Inflation is mainly due to too much money swirling around in the economy and/or price gouging

Is the answer higher taxation on the rich? More price regulations? Or something more nuanced?

I changed the title from Leftist to Soc-dem, cause leftist answers usually mean complete revolution- what's an answer that I can condescendingly tell my centrist friends that will 'fix' the economy without throwing all working economists to :gulag:

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Don't think soc-dems really have a good answer to it (weird I know, capitalist ideology doesn't have solution to capitalist problems). They just try to control it by setting interest rates the same way most other states do. Usually trough undemocratic central banking systems that are accountable to no one.

    Putting the central banks back under democratic control would be a good start, but libs will probably call you an authoritarian for suggesting central banks shouldn't be allowed to operate independently.