although i bet this guy considers himself a "classical liberal" or some shit and therefore immune from his rule

    • Kublai [he/him]
      2 years ago

      When you commit to human instrumentality but then make the most boring reality possible

    • catgirlcommunist [any]
      2 years ago

      Paolo Freire also makes the point in Pedagogy of the Oppressed that conservatism is an anti-creative ideology.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I think there was a time when conservative sentiments did have a strong influence in the cultural sphere at some time in the past. There are some entire genres that are fundamentally conservative or reactionary, like the Western and the Slasher.

      But I feel the influence of conservatism in the cultural sphere has waned in inverse proportion to how much they intensify their victimization/martyrdom complex. Increasingly the conservatives and reactionary have withdrawn to what is essentially their own exclusive media sphere - ie Hallmark movies, evangelical Christian propaganda films, CHUD operator shit like Range 15, the shitty patriotic country music assembly line, etc - which gets shit tons of play almost exclusively within insular conservative circles rather than having a wider cultural impact and influence. They get pissed that "culture" has expanded beyond the extremely narrow confines of aesthetics and themes that they deem "acceptable", and so essentially secede from "the culture" and in turn surrender their real influence within cultural institutions such as Hollywood in order to make mass-produced, self-gratifying, boring crap for their own consumption and little else. And it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle of victimhood, grievance and resentment, conspiracy theory consciousness, and culture war.

    • Marxist_Lentilism [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Good points but

      Conservatives co-opted country music and turned it into corporate sludge about big trucks and the flag.

      Country music was stitched together Frankenstein Monster style out of different pre-existing folk music traditions as white settler propaganda. It's always been sludge, it's just been reduced to a thicker, gooey sludge