I can't fucking believe it. Draconian fucking country.

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    2 years ago

    “The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions,” Alito writes.

    like yeah, this is true. this country's history and traditions fucking suck. its slavery and genocide. I'm sure according to the old as shit constitution there is nothing about abortion in there. but everyone knows why Roe v Wade exists and nobody pretends like we have (had) that slim layer of protection because it was what alexander fucking hamilton would have wanted. Row is so prominent because congress sucks shit and can't make a federal abortion law so the court kept it there to keep the issue out of state hands at a (slim) baseline. They are hiding their crimes behind ideology essentially

    • CyberMao [it/its]
      2 years ago

      Abortion’s been de-facto banned in a shit ton of states already. A lot of this is going to be the theatre of making a speech as we shut down the one clinic in the entire state who still provides abortions. It will absolutely fuck up other people’s lives, but in some states this is mostly for show just like Roe has been.