I can't fucking believe it. Draconian fucking country.

  • Sasuke [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    taken from r/politics

    The draft also references gay marriage and birth control. We know what is next on the chopping block.

    It also references Lawrence v Texas. Which means they intend to criminalize homosexual sex/Re-instate anti-sodomy laws. Effectively criminalizing homosexuality

    uuuhhh if this true then....


    • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Notice of intent is not the act itself. What they are telling us is their plan, and that gives us time to plan a response

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The common thread running through all these cases is this notion of "well it isn't in the constitution so it can't be upheld". THIS is what's in it for the capitalists, who are largely indifferent to the culture war. These issues are just the keys they jangle in the faces of the chuds to get their votes.

      What the capitalists want is a government that will aggressively shoot down any attempts at reform. They want to lock in a system that will destroy any attempts to limit their power or ability to make profits. Pass legislation to enact universal healthcare? Courts will just say that's not in the constitution. Collective bargaining? Not in the constitution. Etc etc

      I don't want to minimize how truly heinous overturning Roe, Obergfell, Lawrence et al will be in and of themselves. Just pointing out that even through this, the gears of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie are still grinding away. It's socialism or barbarism, comrades...

        • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          i reckon you're right, which is why it's our job to try and use this moment to convince as many of them as possible that their precious institutions will not save them from the horror.

          we protect us. always have, always will. if they won't join us then we need to shunt them out of the fucking way