The leaked draft opinion on abortion is an op by both parties to redirect public attention to social issues and away from increasingly dire material conditions, so that those things are not on the ballot in Nov. Thank you for coming to my tik tok


Edit: women's healthcare is part of material conditions. Self crit and bad take. I'll do better comrades.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      2 years ago

      not having the money to travel out of state for an abortion is also a material condition. trans rights are in large parts a material issue, too - for example, a lot of my American trans comrades have to struggle with horrible, acutely life-threatening dysphoria every day because they cannot afford the most basic gender reassignment healthcare. Racism in America is entirely inseperable from the foundations of american capitalism, and the racial demonization of Muslims and Asians is directly driven by and furthered for US geopolitical interests. marginalized groups are overrepresented in the service industry, nursing, and logistics, all sectors that were under enormous stress during the last 2 years and that undergo important work struggles now.

      all "social issues" are either at their core material issues or have a strong material side, this is just neglected in the US because liberals love meaningless, gestural Symbolpolitik that glosses over the total disregard for the suffering of working women with performative bullshit like :liberalism: .