misread this as referring to me and was very confused by the person who knows tsukihime well enough to have bad blood with fans but who thinks the golden witch beatrice is from tsukihime
The art is based of the remake for tsuki which alters the character designs (of which I have criticisms, but they're fine for the most part) but yeah fgo is a huge mess and I don't recommend anyone touch it unless they know what they're getting into.
Don't trust anyone posting with a tsukihime character as pfp
misread this as referring to me and was very confused by the person who knows tsukihime well enough to have bad blood with fans but who thinks the golden witch beatrice is from tsukihime
I have no bad blood with tsukihime fans, the joke mainly lies in the fact that my profile pic is Ciel (another character from tsukihime)
ohhh i didn't even notice that lmao. i assumed it was an fgo character because she has the new takeuchi face
The art is based of the remake for tsuki which alters the character designs (of which I have criticisms, but they're fine for the most part) but yeah fgo is a huge mess and I don't recommend anyone touch it unless they know what they're getting into.