This pandemic has really fucking sucked, man. I was starting to make plans to come out of my shell and be more social right before COVID hit, then immediately put off those plans once it had spread throughout the US.

For the last two years, I have been living with my family and being incredibly cautious, i.e. no traveling, no gathering in large crowds, no indoor dining, etc.--basically spending the overwhelming majority of my time at home. I still haven't gotten COVID (to my knowledge), but the pandemic has taken a toll on my mental health, pretty much from being so lonely and having a virtually non-existent social life. I mean I obviously saw my family every day and always appreciate their company, but save for seeing friends a few times, I have had almost no interaction otherwise, y'know?

Now that I'm finally moved out of my parents and living on my own, I feel comfortable enough to finally start thinking about dating for the first time in my life. I just started downloading some free dating apps (which, LOL, so much shit is behind a paywall, even basic features that should be free like filtering--yay, capitalism!). But like I can't imagine that most people would be willing to put up with me not wanting to eat indoors or go to a bar because of me not wanting to take my mask off (does anyone with lots of dating experience right now know if this caution about indoors stuff is common?). Taking your mask off indoors in a public place is probably the easiest way to get COVID, but I also feel like dining at a restaurant, getting a cup of coffee, seeing a movie, etc. are fundamental to the dating experience. Obviously outdoor dining options exist, but that might not always be the best option, weather permitting.

To this point, I've been taking all this precaution because I'm still afraid of COVID and long COVID in particular scares the shit out of me (as an aside, does anyone know if other diseases also exhibit/exhibited similar long-term effects?). I'm not even immunocompromised or anything, just sounds like some awful stuff to have to deal with.

But at the same time, I hate being so atomized and the toll it has on my mental health, largely as a result of all this caution. I'm certainly not getting any younger (27), our sociopathic leaders of the western world are clearly content to just let this shit rip and eschew even the most basic precautions, and the most :doomer: side of me thinks that things in America are going to get much, much worse in the not-so-distant future, maybe even before the end of the decade. For those reasons, I'm feeling like it's becoming increasingly useless to wrap myself in bubble wrap and watching my life pass by, and that I should just try to live a relatively normal life with what youth I have left, even if it significantly increases my chance of getting :covid-cool: and any nasty repercussions from that. And hell, who knows, maybe this virus will get even more ridiculously contagious that one-way mask wearing will become completely useless.

Anyone have any advice or been trying to come to terms with similar thoughts?

  • stalin_but_trans [she/her]
    2 years ago

    In my experience using the apps and going on dates for the past month I've been doing so, yeah a lot of people have completely moved on from taking covid seriously. Almost everyone has that "yeah I know I'm taking a risk but fuck it I've been locked up for 2 years and I'm going stir crazy" mindset which is kind of where I was at too. However there are definitely still people who are taking it very seriously, usually they will have an immunocompromised family member or something like that.

    I think when the case numbers are low in your area, if you restrict yourself to wearing a mask and eating outdoors only, the chances of you catching it are pretty low. And if you do catch it, so long as you are vaxxed and boosted and relatively healthy, the odds of serious complications are pretty low too. I've come to view like I do driving a car, there's a chance I get into an accident and another chance I get permanently injured or killed from it, but the cost of not doing so (because I live in a hell country) is too great for me to stomach. It seems like we're going to be stuck with covid for an indeterminate, possibly indefinite amount of time because none of our leaders will do anything to solve the issue, and I personally am not willing to give up the rest of my twenties for that. Now that being said, when the inevitable next wave starts to ramp up (and it already looks like cases are ticking up again) I will absolutely be staying the fuck home.

    • MF_BROOM [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Good to know you're still coming across a not-insignificant number of people who treat the pandemic as a pandemic, that gives me more hope.

      Now that being said, when the inevitable next wave starts to ramp up (and it already looks like cases are ticking up again) I will absolutely be staying the fuck home.

      Good thing this shithole country (for those of us in the US) basically doesn't even care about tracking cases anymore and we have to rely on literal shit to indicate when we're about to hit a wave.