TLDW; chemically printed whey protein molecules, fermented. Tastes pretty close, "97% less CO2 production" (big if true), almost as cheap, will likely be cheaper than the real thing as it scales

    • Commander_Data [she/her]
      2 years ago

      The best guess we have on prion disorders is that everyone, or most everyone, carries the gene that will start producing the misfolded protein that eventually turns your brain to Swiss cheese. Scientists have ruled out nucleotides as the culprit, and intense heating, which typically denatures proteins, seems to have no effect. In short, we all carry a ticking time bomb inside us that could flip at a moment's notice, causing your brain to produce misfolded proteins which will eventually kill you. I don't think we should be creating artificial proteins until we understand the transcription->translation process fully. Prions terrify me.