lol. lmao, even

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I know nothing about this, but aren't many "immigrants who go to American to start businesses" at least petite bourgeois as well? Again, I have fecking idea. But I struggle to imagine them as broke, working poor people who got lucky and were able to go to the US.

    • duderium [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I think if they come here legally, yes, unless they’re refugees. America attracts a lot of the shittiest people on Earth. They think they can’t make it at home, they have no class solidarity, so they’ll move to America and get rich there. And some of them are right because Americans tend to be fucking lazy. Nurses can double, triple, quadruple their incomes and work much less if they move from South Korea to America. I know someone who seems to have grown up on a feudal plantation in the Philippines. She’s advancing her career here by leaps and bounds because the white people just can’t keep up with someone coming from that kind of poverty who has found a way out, and places like the Philippines are kept poor and undeveloped specifically so they will continue to supply the imperial core with a reserve army of labor. She’s an evangelical Christian but I don’t know, she’s actually really cool and her family has been fucked so hard by capitalism so I suspect she’s open to radicalization (as long as she can keep Jesus!). They had to stay in South Korea for a little while actually and the immigration authorities there put her dad in a fucking dog cage.

      Edit: if you think becoming a nurse in a second language is easy, look up some NCLEX sample questions and then imagine completing them in Tagalog rather than English.

      • ButtBidet [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Thanks for the effortpost answer, comrade
