I have lots of little red dots and my skin is still irritated about a week after my first session. They look a little bit like in-grown hairs but also somewhat like post-laser erythema based on images. Wondering if I should ask the tech to do a lower power setting at my next appointment or what. My skin is also a bit sensitive and shaving is more painful and does not seem to do as much. I have dark hair and lighter skin.

  • da_gay_pussy_eatah [she/her]
    4 months ago

    For what it's worth, I had a similar experience and it just kinda got better eventually. I've done 5 sessions now and I am really happy with the progress even though I'll probably end up doing electrolysis to clear up what's left.

    For the first couple of appointments, I just took it easy on shaving for a few days and I was able to shave normally again after a couple weeks.

    • bubbalu [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Thanks for the reassurance! I am so excited to never shave again soviet-huff

  • AutomatedPossum [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Do you get any treatment for after the laser session? I've gotten some cortisol ointment and it helps a lot with recovery when i apply it for the first three days or so.

    • bubbalu [they/them]
      4 months ago

      The tech just gave me one sample pack of healing ointment. ;.; can you get that ointment over the counter? I do not want to look like this for 6+ weeks this year @.@

      • AutomatedPossum [she/her]
        4 months ago

        It's not OTC in my country (Germany). I think you need a prescription for corticosteroids in a lot of places. I got a prescription for a 30ml bottle once at the laser place and i've been using it ever since (i'm at my 8th session tomorrow), so it lasts a while.

        • bubbalu [they/them]
          4 months ago

          Thanks for the advice! Will ask at my next appointment. A little disheartening to know it may take 8 or more treatments but none will be intense as this one (except maybe the 3rd with how follicle cycles go), but I am so thrilled to be done shaving in the near future!!

  • kristina [she/her]M
    4 months ago

    Take it easy on the shaving, you're basically shaving a sunburn. Not good. Put on some aloe or talk to a derm for a more extensive treatment like a steroid

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    In addition to not shaving, get one of those gentle silicone exfoliation pads. Do not scrub with it, but using it gently will help clear away shedding skin which can help with irritation. Also, Vaseline helps retain skin moisture and accelerates healing - best as a sleep mask.