I'm a student at a large public university. One of my classmates in my degree program is very obviously a dangerous asshole. He's a misogynistic, racist, Bible-humping, gun-toting, wealthy white boy. Wears a Hawaiian shirt to Zoom classes and calls me a "climate Nazi" in front the the professor. Spending five seconds around him is enough to see he has serious brainworms. Last year, he attempted to physically assault myself and a classmate because we're openly atheist. I alerted the university and filled a report with campus authorities. Unsurprisingly, they did nothing.

A good friend of mine alerted me today that's he bought a semiautomatic weapon. I'm really uncomfortable with this. He has a major problem with me (to the point of posting to his alt-right friends that he's going to "get" me). I am the president of a small student org on campus. He knows that. I'm concerned that he may show up to one of our meetings. Obviously, I can't get the university to do anything, and the cops would probably pin a fucking medal on him.

TL; DR- There's a pyscho alt-righter who has threatened me in the past, and I just found out he bought a semiautomatic weapon. Is there anything I can do to keep myself and the members of my club safe?

  • Woly [any]
    4 years ago

    If you get footage of him assaulting you, you can file a restraining order whether the police give a shit or not.