• D3FNC [any]
    2 years ago

    I don't mean to be a pedant but I honestly can't help myself. The issue was the machines were literally rusted out so the machine that processed the raw ingredients into a powder was open to contamination due to essentially rusted out pipes.

    The company got a bid for repair and decided that although the company was still wildly profitable, they would rather just not have to deal with it at all.

    So what I'm saying is step 4 should be step 1, you probably need a plumber pipefitter to help out, and this example should be cited whenever anyone asks why the Soviet Union had to have purges and gulags.

    • Mother [any]
      2 years ago

      Wow that’s so much worse than I thought.

      So yeah add in a truckload of common supplies, and some navy nuke techs, I’m sure the government has what it takes to fix this