• VeganTendies [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Modern capitalism:

    1. Shits itself every 5 seconds.

    2. Stuff is too expensive, pay is too low. I'm pretty sure that one of the reasons is that the wealthy genuinely forgot that poor people (people who have a sub $1,00,000 net worth) exist.

    3. Celebrates the idea that the winners have already been drawn and that those owners now have no stake in society unlike us dirty unwashed masses. They owe us nothing, but we owe them everything.

    4. Did I mention that most people don't make enough money to survive and medical degrees are a luxury in a country with a doctor shortage? Meanwhile finance jobs are on a socially acceptable welfare program.

    5. Housing is fucked. Even under capitalism, California has all these successful industries, and great outdoor life and recreation so as such it's unaffordable as a result? Literally a punishment for being too good of a place to live.

    6. Following in with number 5, there is an invested interest in not building more housing: "investors". Investing is seen as a real job for big-brain adults unlike those useless teachers and nurses. Gas is high because of "investors", there is a housing shortage because they are "investments", and now there is a baby formula shortage because "muh investments". Another group where some form of a welfare state is socially acceptable

    But sure, we CAN'T do anything vaguely resembling a plan, let alone not bending the knee to the oh-so-precious "investors", that's ECONOMIC BLASPHEMY!