normal human activities like ripping your guts out with a knife and shooting yourself in the head 20 times, not suspicious at all
should probably slap a big ol' content warning on that for like, everything
Where can I read more about Terrence Yeakey, I haveńt heard of him and the wiki page is pure propaganda
Yeah I suspect the feds/CIA because their fingerprints are all over the OKC bombing.
So the guy shoots himself in the head and is then found hanging and the artist thinks "clearly the person did this themselves."
It's a joke with layers but basically points the many cases of people who the CIA clearly assassinated but was ruled suicide
Okay I thought this was a person making fun of people who call the CIA out on stuff.
i swear i have seen this ''meme'' being shared and posted multiple times on scumlord subreddits like tankiejerk and the like.