Pretty fucking disappointing considering I like metal in general but specifically referring to 'because anything exceptional gets crushed by common people, with jealousy and ignorance and all their common evils' then again down the line they spit out 'Androgny and insults, you try so hard to be difficult' ... Good thing it's garbage compared to a lot of their shit and it's only the chorus that gets played for 'thirsty' tik toks... But goddamn, is being goth emo punk etc not a form of queer expression? Stg I'm gonna end up only listing to polyphia, animals as leaders, whoever tf, so long as it's only instrumental because fuck this shit. Maybe I'll go through and finish kmfdm posting as a cleanser. Like who tf did they piss off because they were being a bigot and got push back. Like good you got the bare minimum of what you deserve. Link because I'm not a lib, but really didn't want to bother linking it... Really disappointed

  • Anne_Teefa
    8 months ago

    Wasn't expecting them to sing songs fit for the revolution but I used to like them, guess I never truly listened to the lyrics. Fuck. Edit: To be clear, never went out of my way to listen to them, but listened to them on the radio, Pandora, whatever. Edit Edit: goddamn it psychosocial is worse, especially because they're close to getting it but throw in 'fake anti fascist lie (PsYcHoSoCiAl)'. Pretty sure they were touching on the bullshit we were fed in the bush era but then both sides it with just one small bullshit take. I'm sure static x is like this to a degree but they don't really say much of anything, and encourage kill(ing) your idols... Silver lining I guess.

    • erik [he/him]
      8 months ago

      If you don't want to read the whole book, I Don't Even Own a Television did a pretty good deep dive on it a while back:

      But yeah, they've sadly never really been super great on the issues.

      • Anne_Teefa
        8 months ago

        Bookmarked and will listen later.

      8 months ago

      As to the fake anti-fascist lie, my interpretation was that he's saying the US pretended they were fighting fascism in WWII, when they were propagating it and sending the poor to die for non-moralistic reasons.

      • Anne_Teefa
        8 months ago

        Maybe. Not sure though. I'm confident that I can listen to kmfdm guilt free though.