I think we have finally reached the end stage of the empire

  • SeizeDameans [she/her,any]
    2 years ago

    I think it is a little of both. I know that if there was an organized leftist group in my arra, that I would want to be part of it, with the understanding that while I would be learning theory, someone else would at least help me figure out the praxis part. Here in $DeepRedState, the whole idea is so overwhelming that I wouldn't even know where to start. Considering how chud the local pigs are, I'm even nervous about bumper stickers or other outright leftist signalling.

    People say talk to neighbors or whatever, but I'm deeply, almost agoraphobically introverted. Also, many of them have thin blue line flags, chud bumper stickers, or other decor that tells me I probably wouldn't be welcome. My brain to mouth filter ain't great, so the last thing indeed is to get shot cuz I laughed at an antivax, anti-gay, racist asshat.

    I would love to be part of a leftist movement. However, I am not capable of organizing said movement. Give me a vanguard to follow and I'll be there.