Yes, oxymoron I know. But like many of you, I am stuck in :amerikkka:

So if you could pick anywhere to live in the States, where would it be? And why? Ideally where far left ideology is the norm.

  • Commander_Data [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Chicago doesn't even Crack the top 20 most expensive metros in the US. Is it as cheap as Huntsville, Alabama? No. But it's the most affordable big city in the US.

    • RION [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Really? Guess my perspective is warped from working in the ritzier parts and seeing prices there

      • Commander_Data [she/her]
        2 years ago

        You can definitely find 3-4k a month apartments in Chicago. The difference is that, in other cities, every apartment is that much. You can still find nice 2bd apartments in desirable neighborhoods for $1500 in Chicago.