• Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    massive astroturf they're literally giving tickets away and every movie that isn't complete fucking dogshit gets eaten up by a credulous yankee

    also its nostalgiabait for the most reactionary corners of society like of course no-one watching it isn't cheering for jingoism

    • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I think one other factor is critics desperate for blockbusters that aren't marvel. I think there's been a ton of sort of just decent movies in recent years getting a ton of acclaim mostly because they're like the only high budget non-marvel option. MI: Fallout comes to mind. Like fun good blockbuster, but an 86% on metacritic? Come on now.

      • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
        2 years ago

        You're spot on with this but also without getting too specific that scene of Tom Cruise running across the train station roof in MI:F paid half my rent last year. So I'll take it.

        • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I know you probably work in the film industry, but I want to believe this is part of an awfully specific bet.

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I actually don't. Tangentially related to that (award winning) station project.

            If it was a bit I'd claim I was a specialist roofer paid to replace the tiles shattered by Tom Cruise's tiny lifted shoes.

            (And I just realised you said bet, not bit. Doh.)

      • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        there isn't much of a critic "industry" now that the newspapers are mostly dead. same story as like MiC or video game circuits, all thats left are people who have to be mostly positive or they'll be cut off and get scoops same time as the public and get drowned out

        and the public's standards are even lower than even a complete shill critic's

      • W_Hexa_W
        9 months ago

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